Xbox 360 Iso Extractor For Mac

How to use

clone this project and,sudo chmod +x extract-xiso

Extract ISO image, Extract XBOX ISO Image on Windows & Mac. Published on December 24, 2009 by CrystalIDEA In this tutorial you will learn how to extract an ISO file. Extract PKG files on Mac and Windows. Subscribe to CrystalIDEA news. Join 14.000+ subscribers and receive product updates and relevant software related articles.

run with ./extract-xiso

Developer's Note

extract-xiso v2.7.1

integration of somsky's and Aiyyo's improvementsminor fixes

extract-xiso v2.7.0

Added XGD3 support (somsky)

extract-xiso v2.6.2

Fix extraction bug (Aiyyo)

extract-xiso v2.6.1

Fix -l (list files in iso) bug (My mistake).(Aiyyo)

extract-xiso v2.6

Added new command line switch (-s -> skip $SystemUpdate folder). (Aiyyo)Try to create destination directory and display progressbar during the extraction. (Aiyyo)

extract-xiso v2.5

Added a few patches from sourceforge, fixed some bugs.

NOTE: I've added some documentation to the project page on sourceforge.Please look there to read about commonly used commands, it'll beworth your time to do so!

extract-xiso v2.4b2 by in:

Fixed some buffering problems in the ftp library and added beta support forCD/DVD burning on MacOS X. run the program with -h to see the command-lineoptions for burning. I also added progress callbacks for UI implementors, ofcourse you'll have to be writing your UI in C or you won't be able to usethis feature.

extract-xiso v2.3 by in

This is a maintenance release only, fixed a bug in the path generation code.Thanks to Hydra for submitting a fix.

extract-xiso v2.2 by in

New in this version:

  • Finally ported the code to Win32 as a command line tool!
  • Added automatic media check patching during xISO creation.
  • Fixed a couple of minor bugs and made a few optimizations.

Please read the following carefully as I want to answer some support requestsI get fairly commonly and let everyone know a few things that might be helpful.

First, I hardly ever do any programming on the PC. I think I've got the codeported pretty cleanly and it's worked in my testing, but there may be some bugs.If you find that something doesn't work correctly, PLEASE PLEASE email me andlet me know. If you can, please include the specific steps I would need totake to recreate the program. I'll do what I can to get it corrected.

Ok, now for some answers to some common questions:

ALL these answers assume you're running a modded xbox with an FTP capableversion of EvoX running as your dashboard. extract-xiso assumes a defaultusername and password of 'xbox' and 'xbox' respectively.

Q: I purchased an XBox DVD game and am worried that it might become scratched.How do I make a single legal backup so that I can protect my investment?

A: One way to do this is to use an ftp client to copy the files from theD: drive of your XBox to your hard disk, say to a folder called:

Q: Ok, that's great, but doesn't extract-xiso support builtin ftp?

A: Yep. Assume your xbox is at, or if you don'thave DNS support. Then you would do:

Q: How do I extract files from an xISO I backed up?

A: The command lines for extraction are listed later in this document inother tutorials, and you can always just run the tool with no argumentsfor help text. Read on!

Q: What's the point of 'rewriting' xISO's?

A: Let's say you formerly created your backup with another tool, such as onethat emulates GDFIMAGE.EXE. Well what you will have then is an xISO thatis maximally inefficient. You can read below to see just what I mean bythat. Naturally you want your DVD to perform as well as it can so thatwhen you restore your game it plays as fast as possible.

Q: I rewrote the xISO to optimize it and it's a different size now. What gives?

A: It is normal for a rewritten xISO to shrink or grow by a few kilobytes. Thisis due to end-of-sector buffering and is nothing to worry about. If you needmore convincing, run extract-xiso with the -l option to list both the old andnew xISO and compare the file/byte counts at the end of the lists.

Q: I burned the xISO to a CD/DVD but it doesn't work, what gives?

A: PC users:

Q: Cool app dude, will you make a GUI for platform so that I canuse my mouse and don't have to use the command line?

A: Nope, I've got better things to do. Since extract-xiso runs on linux,freebsd, macos-x, and now windows, should I write 4 GUI's? Nah.

Q: So I bought this xbox and now I want to pirate games, can you help?

A: Get a life.

Q: Dude, like I typed some stuff and I don't think your program works,can you help?


A: See answer to previous question.

Q: I'm running operating system , and I ran your tool which crashed. Itook notes of the exact error message that the program reported, andI re-ran it to verify that it happened again. Here are the exact stepsI took which caused to problem to recur: . Could this be a bug?

A: Thank you, I'll look into it.

Xbox 360 Iso Extractor For Mac Computer

Q: Do you answer questions in the xbox-scene forums?

A: Yep, when I can, but sometimes I forget to look there for weeks at a time :)

Q: On the Mac, I get this error about '_asprintf: unresolved symbol'. What gives?

A: You need to run the MacOS X installer CD and install the BSD subsystem.

Ok that's it, enjoy!!

inJune 21, 2003


extract-xiso v2.1 by in

  • This is a maintenance release only to resolve a few reported bugs in thexISO creation code.

extract-xiso v2.0 by in


  • Now creates OPTIMIZED xISO files!

    • Every XBox xISO creation tool (except this one) is based on GDFIMAGE.EXE,the Microsoft xISO creation tool. That tool (and all that followed) makexISO's that when burned to disc give the WORST POSSIBLE PERFORMANCE forlooking up files!! I suspect Microsoft did this intentionally to preventdevelopers from burning unsigned games that seek quickly, but that's justmy theory...

      At any rate, the XBox DVD filesystem structure is designed so thatdirectory entries can be stored as a binary tree, a data structure thatprovides massively faster search times when reading discs. I haveimplemented my creation code around an AVL (height balanced) binary tree.

      This creates xISO's that when burned to disc provide BEST POSSIBLEPERFORMANCE at all times.

      To get an idea for how bad the performance is with GDFIMAGE.EXE and thelike, take an xISO with say 4,000 files. On average (meaning half thetime it's WORSE), the directory entries have to be read 2,000 times tofind ANY file! In the worst case you have to read the directoryentries 4,000 times!! Ever wonder why your backups run slower than your'normal' games? This is why! With a height balanced AVL tree and anxISO with 4,000 files, on AVERAGE the directory entries have to be read11 times, and at WORST they have to be read 12 times. Now that's fast(and OPTIMIZED ;-)!

      Note that if you are just extracting xISO's to a hard disk there is noperformance gain. It only matters if you burn it to a CD or DVD.

  • Rewrites existing xISO's in one operation as OPTIMIZED xISO's!

  • Creates OPTIMIZED xISO's from an FTP server.

  • Extracts both optimized xISO and non-optimized (normal) xISO files toeither the local filesystem or to a directory on an FTP server.

  • Massive optimizations to the decoding algorithm.

  • Many compatibility bug fixes to the underlying FTP library.

  • Currently runs as a command-line tool on Linux, MacOS-X, and FreeBSD.

  • 100% open source software which uses NO Microsoft code whatsoever

---- TO USE ----

Read the readme.txt for the 1.0-1.4 versions (below), or just run extract-xisoon the command line for help text. Please note that I CANNOT providetechnical support for this software to people who do not know how to use acommand line (there simply isn't enough time in the day), but please do send bugreports or feature requests to the email above.


inMay 10, 2003

---- OLD README'S ----

This is extract-xiso v1.4 by in

Hey, it's a new version!

First, read the readme for version 1.1 to get an idea of what the program does:


This is extract-xiso v1.1 by in

This tool will extract an xdvdfs (xbox iso) image into the current directory,unless the -d option is given, in which case it will first change tothe specified directory and then extract.

The top level directory for any extracted xiso will be the name of the iso imageminus any (case-insensitive) '.iso' extension.

Passing the -q option (for quiet) will suppress any output. Passing the -loption (for list) will list the contents of the image but not extract.

Any number of iso files may be specified on the command line for extraction. Runthe extract-xiso command with no parameters for help text.

Currently there are three versions:

For darwin/MacOS-X, there is a dynamically linked binary called 'extract-xiso'.

For linux there are two versions, a dynamically linked ELF binary which shouldrun with libc6 called 'extract-xiso', and a statically linked binary called'extract-xiso-static' which you should use if you get runtime errors (unresolvedsymbols and so on) when you try to run the dynamically linked version.

Finally, if you unzip these files and they won't execute, you might try settingthe execute bit(s) on the file with a command like this from your shell prompt(represented below by unix:~$):

unix:~$ chmod a+rx extract-xiso


in - March 11, 2003

README.TXT for version 1.4:

v1.4 adds support for FreeBSD and an optimization to the runtime memory usage.


v1.3 is a maintenance release only--fixed a critical bug in the offsetcalculation that was causing a core dump on a few xiso's. Should work fine onall xiso's now.

Xbox 360 Game Extractor


Before we get going, let me first say to everyone, don't you DARE send me anemail until you've at least read this file in its entirety. I wrote it tohelp you, so check it out.

That having been said, I'll outline the new features/changes and then I'll havea section for newbies who have questions.

New features for version 1.2:

extract-xiso now supports direct-to-ftp-server extraction. This is a real boonfor those of you who, like me, are really lazy. The new switches are:

-f <ftp_server>

Specifying -f and then a hostname or IP address will cause extract-xiso toconnect to the supplied server name as the target of the extraction.

-u -p

Since you probably have your ftp server set up to use a username and password,you can specify these options to set those values.


This option used to set the directory to extract to if you were inclined toextract to someplace besides the current directory. It still does this innormal 'extract to local filesystem' mode, but if extract-xiso is running inupload (-f <ftp_server>) context it will change to the directory on the remoteserver prior to uploading. You'll pretty much want to use this switch wheneveryou're using ftp. Please note that in no case will extract-xiso try and createthe directory specified here. I put this in as a safety measure because Ithought it was a good idea ;-)

Other than these changes, there isn't anything new other than a few bug fixesand some optimizations to how it traverses the directory structure. Things thatwould probably bore you to tears, honestly :)

Now a few words about emailing me!

My email address is in here for those people that are interested in thefollowing:

  1. Requesting new features 2) Reporting bugs 3) Asking development-relatedquestions 4) Telling me how much you like the program

Xbox 360 Iso Extractor For Mac Torrent

I DO NOT have time to answer technical support questions. If you think thisis just the program you've been looking for, but you don't know how to operatea unix command line, please DO NOT waste my time asking me how to use thisprogram. I'm sure there are numerous book stores in your area which havebeginner books on Unix and I know there are thousands (millions?) of web sitesdedicated to the topic. Please help yourself to some of this information, Iassure you it will be worth your time.

Now, since I have received several emails asking the same question ('HOW DO IUSE THIS?') I'll give you the best answer I can:


First, this will be targeted at MacOS X users, I'll assume you kids with linuxboxes know what you're doing...

Second, I'm going to assume you know nothing about unix here so pardon me if anyof this is redundant.

Third, I'll also assume you're using an xiso image of public domain software, Idon't/can't/won't condone software piracy, I'm sure you understand.

Fourth, I'll assume you've downloaded the stuffit file and extracted it to yourdesktop.


You first need to make sure the extract-xiso file itself is executable. Itshould be if you extract the archive with stuffit, but to make sure, open theterminal and type:

cd ~/Desktop/macos-x

This will change to the folder on your Desktop that the extract-xiso file is in.

Now type:

ls -l extract-xiso

You should see that the file is executable (it'll have 'x' characters in thepermission string, as in:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 in staff 21k Mar 14 15:05 extract-xiso*

If it doesn't have any x's, type:

chmod a+x extract_xiso

That'll make it executable (if you want, you can type this command anyway justto make sure, it won't hurt anything).

Next, copy the file you want to extract to your Desktop. You can do that in theFinder. Just move it to your Desktop from wherever it is now.

Now go back to your open Terminal window which has ~/Desktop/macos-x as thecurrent directory and type:

./extract-xiso ~/Desktop/file.iso

That's it! You should see a bunch of files extract and when you click on yourDesktop you'll see a new folder with your files in it.

Now, let's say you wanted to extract directly to a ftp server of some sort...Here is how that might work:

Let's say you have an ftp server running at, for which your usernameis 'xbox' and your password is 'xbox', and you also have an xiso file called'my_files.iso'. Let's further surmise that your ftp server has a /f/ directorywhich you want to upload the contents of the xiso to. You would then typesomething like this on your command line:

extract-xiso -f -u xbox -p xbox -d /f my_files.iso

And away it would go. Now for those of you who are really new to this, andwho are intending to upload to an ftp server which uses some sort of MS-DOS-likedirectory nomenclature (like EvoX for instance ;-), don't worry aboutbackslashes versus forward slashes, just use a leading forward slash, convertthe backslashes to forward slashes, and omit the colons.

So if the path looks like it should be F: or F:GAMES or somesuch, you'll justuse (for the -d argument, remember??) /f/ (or /f) and /f/games/ (or /f/games)respectively. Got it?

Until next time,

inMarch 30, 2003

  • Program working fine with Ubuntu. Thx!!! No virus on sources. See scan:

  • Not recommended for usage.. windows binary shows to have malware embedded see details below from Virus Total. VirusTotal SHA256: e1cdcb5c94d8c1d09f206a2831dd292832babd59120e2dd3eb711a5268ad1c50 File name: Detection ratio: 17 / 55 Analysis date: 2015-06-24 02:29:01 UTC ( 1 minute ago )

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