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<ul><li><p>C R O A T I A</p><p>PicassosTUDio 54 </p><p>ELVis PrEsLEy</p><p>Branko roglirambo amadeus</p><p>Authentic Dalmatian cuisine</p><p>summer sTyLEcHarTEr </p><p>Magical croatia</p><p>140 years of Benetti</p><p>SUMMER ISSUE 2013 ENGLISH &amp; CROATIAN LANGUAGE</p><p>50 KN13 KM750 DIN6,5 EUR</p><p>SVIBANJ / MAY 2013 / Broj 27 / Godina 5</p><p>00513</p></li><li><p>David Beckham. Svjetska ikona koja inzistira na savrenstvu, preciznosti i </p><p>stilu. Legenda nastala prema zaslugama. Na njegovoj se ruci nalazi Breitling </p><p>Transocean Chronograph Unitime, vrhunski sat za putnike. Breitling kalibar </p><p>B05, kronometar sa certifi katom COSC-a i petogodinjom garancijom. Visoka </p><p>djelotvornost samonavijajueg kronografskog mehanizma. Ima funkciju koja </p><p>omoguuje prikaz vremena u sve 24 vremenske zone, zahvaljujui patentiranom </p><p>mehanizmu kao i ultra lakom korektivnom sustavu uz pomo krunice. Leernost </p><p>i elegancija za putnike prve klase.</p><p>W O R L D C L A S S T R AV E L E R S</p><p>Dostupan u elinoj verziji ili 18 karatnom zlatu</p><p>Smaragd B-Vama, Obala 23, 21000 Split</p><p>UnitimeOR_Beckham_233x275_Bvama.indd 1 23.04.13 10:52</p><p>David Beckham. Svjetska ikona koja inzistira na savrenstvu, preciznosti i </p><p>stilu. Legenda nastala prema zaslugama. Na njegovoj se ruci nalazi Breitling </p><p>Transocean Chronograph Unitime, vrhunski sat za putnike. Breitling kalibar </p><p>B05, kronometar sa certifi katom COSC-a i petogodinjom garancijom. Visoka </p><p>djelotvornost samonavijajueg kronografskog mehanizma. Ima funkciju koja </p><p>omoguuje prikaz vremena u sve 24 vremenske zone, zahvaljujui patentiranom </p><p>mehanizmu kao i ultra lakom korektivnom sustavu uz pomo krunice. Leernost </p><p>i elegancija za putnike prve klase.</p><p>W O R L D C L A S S T R AV E L E R S</p><p>Dostupan u elinoj verziji ili 18 karatnom zlatu</p><p>Smaragd B-Vama, Obala 23, 21000 Split</p><p>UnitimeOR_Beckham_233x275_Bvama.indd 1 23.04.13 10:52</p></li><li><p>BRANCH OFFICE ZADAR:Marina Dalmacija,23206 Sukoan,tel: + 385 23 394 487, fax: + 385 23 394 491,</p><p>AURORA MARIS: Metohijska 4, 20000 Dubrovnik, tel: + 385 20 313 444,fax: + 385 20 313 445,</p><p>MARINA VERUDA:Cesta prekomorskih brigada 12, 52000 Pula, tel: + 385 52 517 710, fax: + 385 52 517 711,</p><p>ACI MARINA SPLIT: Uvala Baluni bb,21000 Split, tel: + 385 21 398 786, fax: + 385 21 398 786,</p><p>ACI MARINA OPATIJA: Liburnijska cesta bb, 51414 Iii, tel: + 385 51 704 052, fax: + 385 51 704 052,</p><p>S-NAUTICA :Porto Montenegro, 85320 Tivat, Crna Gora, tel/fax: +382 32671331,mob: +382 67368080,</p><p>JADRAN NAUTIKA d.o.o.</p><p>Koturaka 51, 10000 Zagreb, tel: + 385 (0)1 6170 068, fax: + 385 (0)1 6170 079, e-mail:</p><p></p><p>For those who take performance seriously</p><p>M CLASS CRUISING YACHTS: 32M 40M FLYBRIDGE MOTOR YACHTS: 42 52 54 56 60 64 72MY 78MY 82MY 85MY 88MY 98MY V CLASS SPORTS YACHTS: V39 V42 V45 V48 V52 V57 V62-S V72 V78 V85-S</p><p>High performance Flybridge Motor Yachts and V Class Sports Yachts</p><p>MARINA PORTORO: Obala 114b, Lucija, 6320 Portoro, Slovenia, tel: + 386 56 772 100, fax: + 386 56 770 108,</p><p>40MP R I N C E S S</p></li><li><p>With of ces in Opatija (Marina Icici), Tribunj, Rogoznica (Marina Frapa), Split (Marina Lav).</p><p></p><p>Sunseeker Germany Adria d.o.o.Vlaka 95, HR-Zagreb 10 000Mob: +385 91 314 3016</p></li><li><p>ReinventedThe New Predator 80</p><p>Exhilaration,</p></li><li><p>5PNJ$PEPP(FOFSBMOJ[BTUVQOJLJVWP[OJL[B#.8[B3FQVCMJLV)SWBUTLV;BHSFC'PMOFHPWJFWBUFMGBY4QMJU%VCSPWBLBUFMGBY3JKFLB0TKFLBUFMGBY0TJKFL6MJDBISBTUPWBUFMGBY1VMB.BSVMJFWBUFMGBY</p><p>'&amp;30%*/'.*545703&amp;/;';'%070-+4570670/+*XXXCNXISEFTJHO</p></li><li><p>;BEPWPMKTUWPVWPOKJ</p><p>#.8$PODFQUTFSJKF$PVQ</p><p>XXXCNXIS</p></li><li><p>OUTSIDE OF EU BERTHING</p><p>+382 (0)32 660 925 BERTHS@PORTOMONTENEGRO.COM WWW.PORTOMONTENEGRO.COM</p><p>P O R T O M O N T E N E G R O</p><p> !.0$/'.+))</p><p> +*#* /$+.00!.)!.0$%*#+,0%+*/</p><p>%/+1*0! .0!/'+.+,(*!.0$/</p><p> 4* 105'.!!'1!(</p><p> $+1.5$0//%/0* /!1.%05</p><p> +*).%*!.!(0! #++ / </p><p>* /!.2%!/</p><p>10/% !+'04* %),+.0.!#1(0%+*/</p><p>%0$%*$+1./+')&amp;+.1.+,!*%0%!/</p><p>*/%0!1/0+)/* %))%#.0%+*</p><p> *0!.*0%+*(+10%-1!/* .!/01.*0/</p><p>!#!*0+0!(!/% !*!/</p><p>$0(1,+.0/(1</p><p>10 ++.,++(3%0$(+1*#!.</p></li><li><p>Uvodnik</p><p>19</p><p>UVOUvodnikUvodnOCroaction</p><p>INTROPoelo je! Bez obzira na lokalne izbore i globalne probleme, usprkos podobnima i nesposobnima, posjetitelji hrvatske obale s osmijehom na licu otkrivaju ari turistike (pred)sezone, a nikada dosad na Jadran nije bio tako popularan u glo-balnim razmjerima. Blagoslov je to i neslueni potencijal za cijelu Hrvatsku, a posebice za obalno i otono stanovnitvo. Tragovi bogate povijesti i trud predaka danas se vraaju kao jedinstvena, svjetski prepoznata, te turistima atraktivna scenografija. Koliko emo taj pokret uspjeti iskoristiti u dobre svrhe, vrlo je upitno, ali jasan potencijal postoji. Naa revija ponovno je nastavila prireivati lanke i za strane itatelje, veliko nam je zadovoljstvo da se na naim stranicama moe doznati po koja lijepa injenica za ljude koji tu ne ive cijele godine. Takoer, za one eljne istinskog iskustva destinacije, nai kolege iz agencije Experience Adriatic pobrinut e se da im svaka piva. Uz elje da vie pjesme i dobre energije uhvatite do slubenog poetka ljeta, elimo vam ugodan provod na naim stranicama.</p><p>Were on again! Despite domestic and global problems, foreign visitors again discover charms of the Croatian Adriatic in fact, our coast and islands have never been so popular. That is a true blessing and huge potential for the whole country; rich historical heritage and sweat of our ancestors have created unique scenery, very attractive for tourists, though we might have some doubts whether this potential will turn always into a positive push for local communities. We continue to publish bilingual issues for the summer season, trying to discover and describe interesting destinations for our foreign readers. For the ones who want to feel the real Croatia, our Experience Adriatic travel agency crew will do their best to convert your moments spent here into unforgettable memories, with a delicate flavor of local ingredients. We wish you to fully enjoy the summer and find inspiration while reading these pages.</p><p>C R O A T I A</p><p>PICASSOSTUDIO 54 </p><p>ELVIS PRESLEY</p><p>Branko RogliRambo Amadeus</p><p>Authentic Dalmatian cuisine</p><p>SUMMER STYLECHARTER </p><p>Magical CROATIA</p><p>140 years of Benetti</p><p>SUMMER ISSUE 2013 ENGLISH &amp; CROATIAN LANGUAGE</p><p>50 KN13 KM750 DIN6,5 EUR</p><p>KNA:9FB'E9Q*()+':jgb*/'?gafY-00513</p><p>w w w . y a c h t s c r o a t i a . c o m</p><p>LJETO SUMMER 2013.YACHTS CROATIA 27AZIMUT 55S</p><p>Darko upukGlavni urednik Editor in chief</p></li><li><p>21</p><p>Content</p><p>S A D R A J 25 YACHTUALNO NEWS Novosti iz svijeta nautike News on the market</p><p> 60 SHARP &amp; SMART Tech &amp; Style</p><p> 64 YACHTS ON WHEELS Citron DS3 Cabrio, BMW Concept X4, BMW Maxi Scooters, Audi Limousine A3, Infiniti FX Vettel Edition</p><p> 76 SATOVI WATCHES Ogoljeno vrijeme Time exposure</p><p> 83 MODA FASHION The Core, Timberland, Marinepool, Maria Store</p><p> 88 DIZAJN DESIGN Fluid i dinamika Fluid and dynamics</p><p> 92 YACHTS COOLTURA Mark Evans</p><p> 96 YACHTS COOLTURA Picasso u Zagrebu Picasso in Zagreb</p><p> 100 RAZGOVOR INTERVIEW Branko Rogli</p><p> 104 YACHTS COOLTURA Studio 54</p><p> 112 YACHTS COOLTURA Kralj i ja The king and I</p><p> 126 RAZGOVOR INTERVIEW Rambo Amadeus</p><p> 134 COOLINADRIATICA Lukulovski, po viku Lucullian, Vis variation</p><p> 136 LUKSUZNI HOTELI LUXURY HOTELS Lei Dimitri Palace</p><p> 140 SPIRIT OF THE MED In vinum</p><p> 144 LJETO 2013 SUMMER 2013 Porto Montenegro</p><p> 152 U TRENDU IN TREND Vrsalovi Dental Studio 21</p><p>MAY - JUNE 2013SVIBANJ - LIPANJ 2013.</p></li><li><p>Sadraj</p><p>22</p><p> 166 NEKRETNINE REAL ESTATE Luxury Properties Croatia</p><p> 186 YACHTS ON WHEELS McLaren, Ferrari, Porsche</p><p> 192 EVENT Porsche Travel Club</p><p> 194 JADRANSKI BISERI PERLS OF THE ADRIATIC UNESCO &amp; Croatia</p><p> 198 LJETNA PRIA SUMMER STORY Izgubljeno u ponosu Lost in pride</p><p> 202 BATINA HERITAGE Letei sa sokolima Flying with falcons</p><p> 216 OUTDOOR Outward Bound Croatia</p><p>222 RONJENJE DIVING Luksuzno, zato ne? Luxurious, why not?</p><p>228 ZNANOST I TEHNOLOGIJA SCIENCE &amp; TECH. Mozak budunosti The futureheads</p><p>244 DIZAJNER DESIGNER Rolf Vrolijk</p><p> 250 YACHTS SPORT America's Cup, Uskrnja regata, Lagoon regata, Hanse Adriatic Cup</p><p>256 PROJEKTI PROJECTS Martinis Marchi, Yacht Club Seget, Crno zlato Black Gold</p><p>262 BRODOGRADILITE SHIPYARD Marinetek NCP </p><p>268 ARTER CHARTER Seagull II, MYBA Charter Show, Fortuna Cruising FAM Trip</p><p>274 BRODOGRADILITE SHIPYARD BENETTI Punih 140 godina uspona 140 years of success</p><p>280 TEST TESTS Azimut 55S, Vicem 107, Mochi Craft Dolphin 64 Cruiser, Hanse 575</p><p>300 TOYS FOR BOYS BRP Sea-Doo 2013</p><p>300 PERFECT ESCAPE MSC Preziosa &amp; MCS Yacht Club</p><p>22</p><p>MAY - JUNE 2013SVIBANJ - LIPANJ 2013.</p></li><li><p>25</p><p>CANADOS 120</p><p>Uskoro na vodiNakon prologodinjeg predstavljanja Far Awaya, prvog Canadosa 120, na vodi e se uskoro nai i njegov blizanac. Ovog ljeta vlasnik e konano dobiti svoju jahtu, iju je unutranjost uredio Cristiano Gatto. Cijela je unutranjost ureena prema eljama vlasnika, a jahta i u unutranjosti i na vanjskim dijelovima paluba nudi odvojene prostore za sunanje, blagovanje, ili samo oputanje. Jahta je dugaka 36 m i opremljena inovativnim sustavima i elementima koje je predstavio prvi primjerak Canadosa 120, poput etiri sklopive terase koje se podiu i sputaju sofisticiranim hidra-ulikim sustavom i briu granice izmeu unutranjosti i eksterijera, ili beach club krme s platformom uz more i tuem. Salon se nalazi na pramcu glavne palube, a do njega se nalazi i prostor za sunanje, lijepo zaklonjen od znatieljnih pogleda.</p><p>TO BE LAUNCHED SOONAfter launching Far Away last year, the first Canados 120, a sister-yacht is going to be launched and delivered to her owner by Summer 2013. Exterior design and naval architecture are the work of Canados Design Team, while the interior was designed by Cristiano Gatto. Like the interior, the layout of the flybridge is also custom made according to the owners needs. The new 36-m yacht features in the exterior the same innovations which firmly placed the first Canados 120 in the spotlight: four retractable balconies, creating a direct connection with the ocean; the stern offers a full teak beach-club, completed with a large bathing platform; exterior living area is located forward on the main deck, with a sofa and a spacious sunbathing area. It is specifically designed to provide wider room and increase privacy outside.</p><p>YYachtualnoCODECASA</p><p>PEDESETICA, PONOS KUE Brodogradilite Codecasa nedavno je predstavilo model Codecasa 50, u potpunosti dizajniran i izgraen snagama same kue. Ravan pramac i delikatno nadgrae nove jahte podsjeaju na model Codecasa 50 Vintage, ali novi model ima vee prozore i odie enstvenou, za razliku od prilino robusnoga Vintagea. Prvi primjerak ve je u gradnji, a bit e isporuen u proljee 2015. godine. </p><p>CODECASA 50Italian Codecasa recently launched their pride and joy, the lovely Codecasa 50. Designed and built in house, the yacht has a vertical bow and a delicate structure taking esthetic cues from the Codecasa 50 Vintage. Large sidelights and almost feminine elegance make this yacht unique in Codecasas catalogue. The first unit is in production and will be delivered in spring 2015. </p><p>ISA </p><p>PREDSTAVLJENAM/Y AZIZAKua ISA predstavila je svoju novu jahtu, 41 m </p><p>dugaku Azizu, koja je 29. po redu izgraena u </p><p>12 godina rada ove kue. Vanjske je linije osmi-</p><p>slio Andrea Vallicelli, a unutranjost dizajnerski </p><p>odjel kue, pod vodstvom Danielea Soccija. Aziza </p><p>e biti slubeno predstavljena na ovogodinjim </p><p>rujanskim sajmovima, a bit e jedina koju e ISA </p><p>predstaviti 2013., budui da e drugi projekti biti </p><p>dovreni tijekom idue godine.</p><p>LAUNCHED M/Y AZIZAISA recently launched its latest motor yacht, Aziza. This steel-aluminium displacement motor yacht is the 28th unit built by ISA in its 12- years history. Exterior design by Andrea Vallicelli, and interior design by ISA interior department, managed by Daniele Socci, show once again ISAs distinguished very high quality standards and unique design. Aziza will be officially presented at the boat shows in September this year. This is the only 2013 launching as the projects presently under construction at ISA will be completed next year.</p></li><li><p>YYachtualno</p><p>ADRIATIC SEA FORUM </p><p>O Jadranu - zajednikiJadransko more jedinstvena je turistika </p><p>destinacija, koju sve priobalne drave </p><p>trebaju zajedniki vrednovati na temelju </p><p>njegovih snanih potencijala rasta i </p><p>razvoja najvaniji je zakljuak Adriatic </p><p>Sea Foruma, meunarodnog skupa </p><p>posveenog pomorskom turizmu, kojega </p><p>je, u organizaciji tvrtke Risposte Turismo, </p><p>u Trstu pohodilo vie od 250 sudionika </p><p>iz sektora krunih putovanja, trajektnog </p><p>prijevoza, te nautike iz Albanije, Hrvatske, </p><p>Grke, Italije, Crne Gore i Slovenije. </p><p>Raspravljalo se takoer o ulozi regata i </p><p>ostalih dogaanja, kao medija za promociju </p><p>nautike i Jadrana, te o poreznim politikama </p><p>u dravama na Jadranu.</p><p>LETS TALK ADRIATICThe Adriatic is a unique tourist destination </p><p>and should be cherished, protected and </p><p>developed by the countries around it that </p><p>was the most important realizations of the </p><p>Adriatic Sea Forum; international nautical </p><p>tourism convention organized this year in </p><p>Trieste. The Forum was organized by local </p><p>Risposte Turismo, with participants from </p><p>various sectors (cruise lines, ferry opera-</p><p>tors and nautical travel agencies from </p><p>Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro </p><p>and Slovenia). Other topics were regattas </p><p>and other similar events, and tax policy of </p><p>Adriatic countries.</p><p>ATLANTIS VERVE </p><p>Outboard verzijaNova verzija Atlantisovog modela Verve jo je zanimljivija od originalne, a opremljena je trima motorima. Tri motora Mercury Verado od po 300 KS poveavaju najveu brzinu originalnog modela na 43 vora, ali i olakavaju odravanje. Atlantis ovaj model oprema nizom serijskih detalja, ali i lista dodatne opreme je podulja. Dostupan je u verzijama s T-kroviem ili kao isti open, bez krovia. Iako ima drugaije motore od originala, od njega se iznutra ne razlikuje i takoer ima dobro odvojene prostorije za maksimalnu privatnost.</p><p>OUTBOARD VERSION There is plenty of Verve in the powerful version with three outboard motors on the 12 meter walk-around signed Atlantis. To better meet the needs and tastes of Verve lovers, Atlantis designers faced a new challenge, that of main-taining all the features of the Verve in terms of internal division of spaces and roominess, while adding the power and performance guaranteed by the 3 Mercury Verado 300 hp outboard motors, which allow boatmen to reach a maximum speed of up to 43 knots, You will be able to choose between a version with a T-Top, for ultimate comfort, or pure open with no top, so as to better enjoy the privilege of its speed. The new outboard propulsion system with a tri-motor configuration, to begin with, does not affect the internal layout, organized in separate spaces. </p><p>MOONEN</p><p>FORMULA: 500 TNizozemski Moonen predstavio je dvije impresivne nove jahte, jedva neto lake od graninih 500 t. Radi se o 49 m dugakoj ljepotici od aluminija, te jednoj 42 m dugakoj sa elinim trupom. Dizajnirao ih je Ren van der Welden, a u brodogradilitu kau da su se na gradnju dviju tako velikih jahta odluili jer su osjetili da su spremni ponuditi vie. I...</p></li></ul>
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Please take a time and read carefully!
Diagnostic Software for the diagnosis and programming all BMW models.
  • 100% Brand new.
  • You can to make diagnostics, reset the errors and adapt the of different units and devices of your BMW.
  • Contains everything you need for diagnostic to your BMW or Mini, as a dealer would do in the workshop, but using your laptop, saving you expensive dealer diagnostic fees.
  • Diagnose faults and tell you how to carry out the necessary repairs, including how to get components safely off and back on again, and the exact BMW part numbers to order for your car. It tells you when to service the vehicle and how to carry out the work. It also allows programming of your vehicle.
  • Multi-language user interface.
  • Professionally created dealer diagnostic software - more than 100Gb of information.
  • Diagnostic software for the diagnosis and programming on BMW E and F-series cars.
  • ISTA+ (Rheingold) & ISTA-P compatible: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 - 32bit and 64bit.
Installation Support
  • Please note: ' Installation Support' is for correctly installing programs! Not for help, how to download files from the server! Or how to correctly install interface. You should receive installation instructions from your interface supplier.
  • Installation support applies only and exclusively 'INPA Package'; NCS Expert, Ediabas WinkFP, etc. Other programs like DIS, are time-consuming. Besides, it 's hard to work remotely on the Virtual Machine at the same time.
  • Please note: During the installation process, we do not need your assistance, so your presence is not required.
  • For a short time before the start of the scheduled session, you will receive an invitation to the free 'ZOHO' program.
  • Allowable delay for scheduled session15 minutes.
  • The best time is usually afternoon From Monday to Friday until 9 PM London Time.
  • All downloaded files must be unzipped and ready to install wit the 7-Zip program.
  • All antivirus programs must be turned off.
  • Make sure that your Windows is up to date.
  • Installation support is valid until one week after purchase.
  • Dealership BMW Diagnostic Information System - DIS V57.
  • BMW Software Service Station - SSS/Progman V32.
  • BMW Technical Information System - TIS.
  • Dealership BMW Diagnostic System - INPA.
  • Ediabas 7.3.0
  • Ediabas ToolSet 32 - work with the control units of BMW at the expert level.
  • WinKFP - update and programming of control units.
  • NFS (New Flash System) - update and programming of monitoring units.
  • BMW Coding Tool.
  • NCSExpert.
  • NCS Dummy.
  • BMW WDS V12.0 - BMW Wiring Diagrams - contains wiring diagrams for cars BMW. Multi-language user interface.
  • BMW ETK - Electronic Parts Catalogue. Multi-language user interface.
  • BMW ETM - Electronic Troubleshoot Manual.
  • BMW KSD a dealership catalogue contains a clock rate. Multi-language user interface.
  • Dealership BMW ISTA+ (Rheingold) 4.xx Standalone.Available separately to buy
  • Dealership BMW ISTA-P 3.6xx Available separately to buy
  • Latest FTDI USB cable drivers.
  • Dr. Gini
  • Manuals how to install.
Exx- Series
  • Interface = K+DCAN Cable (OBDII to USB) or ICOM
  • ECU Data Files = SP-Daten
  • NCS Expert = Coding Software
  • WinKFP = Programming (Flashing) Software
  • EDIABAS = Low-Level ECU Communication Software used by NCS Expert & WinKFP
Fxx- / Ixx- / Gxx-Series, Mini, & Rolls-Royce:
  • Interface = ENET Cable (OBDII to RJ45 Ethernet) or ICOM
  • ECU Data Files = PSdZData
  • E-Sys = Coding Software
  • E-Sys = Programming (Flashing) Software
  • ICOM A: main interface
  • ICOM B: adapter for programming multimedia in E series
  • ICOM C: adapter for old BMW with round 20 pin diagnostic plug
  • ICOM D: adapter for motorcycles
  • ISTA+ (AKA Rheingold or ISTA-D)
    • DIAGNOSTICS for All Vehicles
    • PROGRAMMING for F/I/G/RR & MINI, but requires an ICOM
  • ISTA-P
    • PROGRAMMING traditionally for all chassis, but is being phased out by August 2017, except for legacy E-series.
    • Replacement ECU's must be NEW
    • Windows 7-10 Computer
    • ISTA+: 25 GB Installation + > 2 GB free space to run (Diagnostics Only).
    • Additional ~ 100 GB SDP & ICOM to program (Excludes E-series)
    • ISTA-P: 80 GB Installation
    • At least a processor with two cores and 2.2 GHz
    • At least 3 GB RAM


Diagnostic and repair guide Exx-series, Including Diagrams WDS Diagnostics and programming Fxx-/Ixx-/Gxx-series.
ISTA-P Programming and coding software system (i.e. VO coding).
KSD Work software.
ETK Accessories catalogue.
E-SYS Engineer software for F-series (programming and coding).
WINKFP Engineer software for E-series (programming).
NCS Expert Engineer software for E-series (coding).
INPA Engineer software for E+ F-series (diagnosis).
TOOL32 Engineer software for E-series (able to run directly).
BMW CODING TOOLAuxiliary software of Engineer software for E-series(available to import SP-Daten to WinkFP and NCS Expert).
NCS DUMMYAuxiliary software of Engineer software for E-series(available to modify NCS Expert data).
ITOOL RADARUsed to recognise ICOM activate or release ICOM port.
EASYCONNECTUsed to configure the environment parameter.

What type of Cable Do I Need for my car?

K-Line Cable

For model years 2000-2007, using K-Line USB cable connecting to the car through 16 pins OBD port inside the car.
K-Line Cable Set
For model year's 1997-2007, using K-Line cable and 16-20 pin OBD adapter when round 20 pin OBD port can be found under cars bonnet on inner wing. (This 20 pin adapter is not ADS so will have limited support for ADS equipped models, i.e. E36).
D-Can Cable
For model year's 2000-2010+, using D-Can USB cable for 2007-2018 and using supplied 16-16 pin K-Line adapter for model years 2000-2007. (D-Can cable will work on all E-series models up to 2018 software dependent).
D-Can Cable Set
As Above D-Can cable and adapter but with extra 16-20 pin OBD adapter to support 1997-2000 model years E38 E39 and E46. (This 20 pin adapter is not ADS so will have limited support for ADS equipped models, i.e. E36).
Ethernet Cable
For all new F series models.

Our recommendation German Company DO-IT-AUTO

Dealership BMW Diagnostic Information System

DIS V57 & BMW Software Service Station (SSS/Progman V32) concern BMW AG, produces a complete diagnostics of all electronic systems of BMW and MINI, contains conclude its database on the device, the composition of the equipment and electrical diagrams of cars BMW and MINI model series from 1985 to 2010.

Reads and clears (erases) the errors, reads the engineering parameters, performs the test actuators indentifitsiruet versions of blocks and their software codes and program control units.
BMW DIS integrated information system BMW TIS.
BMW Technical Information System (TIS), the full BMW service and repair manuals used by BMW dealerships including full technical specifications and torque settings. This package is integrated into BMW DIS V57, allowing correct repair instructions to be found quickly.
BMW Software Service Station

SSS/Progman V32, the platform used by BMW dealerships for programming, individualisation and encoding of BMW vehicles.

Dealership BMW Diagnostic System INPA

In addition to engineering functions, INPA also has extensive diagnostic capabilities. The scanner can connect to an ECU of the car, allowing you to read and delete errors, view real-time parameters and to test the actuators to verify the correct operation of this or that of a vehicle unit.

BMW INPA software has a modular architecture, which consists of a module for diagnosis (INPA), encoding module (NCSExpert), a programming module (WinKFP). There is also a compiler diagnostic scripts, which makes it possible to perform as already incorporated into the program diagnostic algorithms, and develop their own.
The scanner also can work with the dealer diagnostic software DIS, installed on VMware.
Scanner INPA K + D-can is used for a full-featured professional diagnostics cars BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce, adaptation units and units, coding, programming. Adapter INPA K + Dcan connected to the car via K-line or CAN-bus data transfer that allows you to work with any electronic control unit of the vehicle.
The diagnostic adapter of the new generation BMW INPA K + DCan enables the work that previously could only be carried out owners of corporate dealer equipment. Full-function diagnostics BMW is now available to you. With an Interface, BMW INPA K + DCan produce you can work on reading/deletion errors on the BMW's any issue, including the latest.
BMW INPA complete with NCSexpert, NFS, Ediabas ToolSet 32 and WinKFP.
BMW WDS V12.0 - BMW Wiring Diagrams

Repair manual BMW WDS included wirings BMW, location relays and fuses in the car, all connectors pinouts, the layout of connectors, blocks and elements, descriptions and kind of all sockets.

A dealership catalogue contains a clock rate - Electronic record BMW KSD dealer directory provides the norm hours BMW and expert estimates, all series BMW.
In the electronic database of BMW, KSD information is presented since the 60s (114-series). In addition to the rate of hours in the program catalogues packets repair service, a combination of wheels and tires that are recommended to use winter and summer tires.

Contains the whole range of items offered for sale by BMW Group and is intended to facilitate the retrieval of necessary spare parts (car parts and motorcycle), supplies and accessories. To do this at your disposal a variety of search functions, such as searching by name, by part number, and so on. Also, the system offers detailed information on specific details, as well as the ability to create so-called parts list of found parts.
Dealership BMW ISTA+ (Rheingold)

The new system diagnostics of cars BMW.
BMW ISTA+ Rheingold (Integrated Service Technical Application Diagnosis ) is the replacement of the diagnostic program BMW ISTA-D version 2.XX. At this time, it comes to the official dealer services. ISTA+ (Rheingold) - Diagnostic software for the diagnosis all BMW models (E and F-series), MINI and Rolls-Royce. It works with E and F series.
Extras. Information: - Works only with Ediabas 7.3.0.
Works with K-line, K-Dcan, ICOM, ENET, OPS, OPPS and other interfaces that support PassThru (J2534)
Dealership BMW ISTA-P

ISTA-P (Integrated Service Technical Application Programming) - a system of integrated services and software is application software complex ISPI and replaced the old regime Progman. ISTA-P includes data for programming and coding of vehicles. Also, it provides new features that will be needed in the future.
Program for diagnosis and reprogramming of electronic control units of cars BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce.
It works with E-series. For Coding / Programming on E -series Cars.
Extras. Information: - Works only with Ediabas 7.3.0.
Works with K-line, K-Dcan, ICOM, OPS, OPPS and other interfaces that support PassThru (J2534)
Supported Languages:

Languages for SSS/Progman:
  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Dutch
  • Swedish
  • Japan
  • total 18 languages
Languages for TIS:
  • English
  • German
Languages for INPA:
  • English
  • German
Languages for KSD:
  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Dutch
  • Swedish
  • Japan
  • total 26 languages
Languages for ISTA+ (Rheingold)
  • English
  • German
  • Other Languages on request

Languages for ISTA-P

  • Multilanguage

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  • Reading fault codes
  • Erasing fault codes
  • Service light resetting
  • DME/DDE - synchronisation
  • EWS/CAS - synchronisation
  • Reading data streams (engineering parameters, LiveData)
  • Tests (activation) actuators
  • Coding (for all vehicles that do not use the optical data bus)
  • Programming (for all vehicles that do not use the optical data bus)
  • Airbag light reset
  • ABS wheel speed checking
  • Clearing Adaptations
  • Air Suspension Adjustment
  • Live data checks
  • Complete Diagnostics (including test plans)
  • Displays live data stream and graph display and vehicle version information
  • Clear adaptation
  • Update vehicle software and firmware
  • Programme new item and upgrade functions
  • Reset ECU adaptations
  • New battery registration after replacement
  • Code ECU functions (daytime running light, seat memory to key, beep after locking)
  • Create BMW approved test plans for repairs, upgrades and updates
  • Chip tuning
  • And much more including wiring diagrams and parts catalogues. Everything that was doing in BMW dealership services.
Dealership BMW ISTA+ (Rheingold) & ISTA-P Support for all BMW models E & F series cars 1985-2018:
BMW E series cars 1985-2019
  • BMW 1 Series: E81, E82, E87, E88
  • BMW 3 Series: E30, E36, E46, E90, E91, E92, E93
  • BMW 5 Series: E28, E34, E39, E60, E61
  • BMW 6 Series: E24, E63, E64
  • BMW 7 Series: E23, E32, E38, E65
  • BMW 8 Series: E31
  • BMW X3 Series: E83
  • BMW X5 Series: E53, E70
  • BMW X6 Series: E71
  • BMW Z Series: Z1-E30, Z3-E36, Z4-E85, E86, E89, Z8-E52
  • BMW MINI Series: R50, R52, R53, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61
  • BMW Rolls-Royce Series: RR1
BMW F series cars
  • BMW 1 Series: F20, F21, F44, F45, F46
  • BMW 2 Series: F22, F23
  • BMW 3 Series: F30, F31, F34, F80 (M3)
  • BMW 4 Series: F32, F33, F35, F36, F82, F83 (M4)
  • BMW 5 Series: F07, F10, F11, F18
  • BMW 6 Series: F06, F12, F13
  • BMW 7 Series: F01, F02, F03, F04
  • BMW X Series: F15, F16, F25, F26, F48
  • BMW i3: I01
  • BMW i8: I12
  • BMW M-series: F80, F82, F83, F10, F06, F12, F13, F15
  • Alpina F-series variants: D3, B3, B4, XD3, D5, B5, B6, B7
  • Mini: F55, F56
  • Rolls-Royce: RR01, RR02, RR03, RR04, RR05
Support for models 1985-2019 (USB K+DCAN cable):
  • BMW 1 Series: E81, E82, E87, E88
  • BMW 3 Series: E30, E36, E46, E90, E91, E92, E93
  • BMW 5 Series: E28, E34, E39, E60, E61
  • BMW 6 Series: E24, E63, E64
  • BMW 7 Series: E23, E32, E38, E65
  • BMW 8 Series: E31
  • BMWX1 E84
  • BMW X3 Series: E83
  • BMW X5 Series: E53, E70
  • BMW X6 Series: E71
  • BMW Z Series: Z1-E30, Z3-E36, Z4-E85, E86, E89, Z8-E52
  • BMW MINI Series: R50, R52, R53, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61
  • BMW Rolls-Royce Series: RR1



Car ModelsYear of Make



Car ModelsYear of Make
F01BMW 7 Series Sedan2010.10-F31BMW 3 Series Wagon2012.10-
F02BMW 7 Series Limo2009.9-F32BMW 3 Series Coupe2012.12-

BMW 7 Series High


2011.11-F33BMW 3 Series Convertible2013.5-
F04BMW 7 Series Hybrid2012.4-F34

BMW 3 Series Gran



BMW 6 Series

Gran Coupe


BMW 3 Series Gran

Coupe (China Limo)


BMW 5 Series

Gran Turismo

2010.12-F36BMW 4 Series Coupe2013.9-
F10BMW 5 Series Sedan2009.6-F55MINI Cooper2014.2-
F11BMW 5 Series Wagon2011.4-F56MINI Cooper2014.1-
F12BMW 6 Series Convertible2012.5-F80M3 4-Door Sedan2014.4-
F13BMW 6 Series Coupe2012.3-F82M3 2-Door Coupe2014.5-
F15BMW X5 M Sport2014.5-F83M3 Convertible2014.4-

BMW X6 Sports Activity


2014.3-F85BMW X5 M SUV2014.3-

BMW 5 Series Sedan

(China Limo)

2010.10-F86BMW X6 M SUV2014.2-

BMW 1 Series Luxury



Rolls-Royce luxury

series II

F21BMW 1 Series Sedan2012.10-RR2Rolls-Royce Corniche
Convertible II
F22BMW 1 Series Sedan2014.1-RR3

RollsRoyce luxury

sport cars
series II

F23BMW 1 Series Convertible2014.4-RR4Rolls-Royce luxury sedan2015.5-
F25X3 SUV2011.1-RR5Rolls-Royce Ghost2014.2
F26X4 SUV2014.1-RR6Rolls-Royce Convertible2014.2-

BMW 3 Series

Gran Coupe

Note: To check out if some services are available on specific cars, please look up that car's settings according to the tablet below. These functions vary from vehicle to vehicle. Because of different hardware configuration, some functions may not available on individual cars.
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1HU1. Add Select Sound Effects Of Lock/Unlock In I-drive
2. Operate Navigation Menu And Watch DVD During Driving
3. Enable Efficient Dynamics Sports CID (Added Sport Displays The Vehicle Info Screen (Power & Torque Meters)).
4. Disable iDrive Legal Disclaimer During iDrive Startup
5. Select Sports Mode In I-drive
6. Turn On Gasoline Station Alert In Navigator
7. Allow PDC(Park Distance Control) To Indicate Park Distance
8. Disable Daytime Running Lamps
9. Convert kilometres To Miles
10. Increase The FM band
11. Disable Handbrake To Play Videos
12. Disable Reversing camera warning window
13. Video Playing With USB Are Available In 2013 NTB
2ACSMSet seat belt alarm to last 10 seconds
3BDC1. Allow Car Windows To Roll Up Without Being Disturbed By Door Openings
2. Activate/Deactivate Headlight Washer
3. Set Car's Auto Start/Stop To Start In The Last Used Setting (e.g. Off) When The Engine Is Started
4CAS1. Central Control Unlock Automatically When Engine Is Off
2. Shorten time to roll up or down car windows
3. Reduce The Time To Fold Down Rearview Mirrors
5COMBOX1. Voice recognition
2. Play Videos
3. Add CIC stored addresses/messages from 25 to 50
4. Microphone Settings
5. Change and Synchronise Incoming Call Ringtones On Bluetooth Device
6DWA8Set lock alarm sound to the maximum
7FEM1. Allow car windows to roll up without being disturbed by door openings
2. Clean headlamps
3. Set Car's Auto Start/Stop To Start In The Last Used Setting (e.g. Off) When The Engine Is Started
8FKAAC Records Last Engine-off Statues
9FRM1. Remote Controller And Interior Button Turn Off Power Lift Gate(Reset After Engine Is Off For 15 Minutes )
2. Remote Controller And Interior Button Turn Off Power Lift Gate At Any Time(Reset After Engine Is Off For 15 Minutes )
3. Auto Control Of High Beams
4. Extend Foot To Open Rear Cover
10FZDSet Lock Alarm Sound To The Maximum
11IHKA1. AC Records Last Engine-off Statues
2. AC Indoor Circulation Records its Engine-off Statues
12TCUMircophone Settings
13JBBFE1. Allow car windows to roll up without being disturbed by door openings
2. Activate/Deactivate Headlight Washer
3. Wiper Resets Automatically
4. Disable Front Camera At Maximum Distance
5. Disable Back Camera At Maximum Distance
14KOMBIDisplay Digital Vehicle Speed
15PMA1. Disable Front Camera At Maximum Distance
2. Disable Back Camera At Maximum Distance
3. Disable Front Camera At Maximum Speed
4. Disable Back-facing Camera At Maximum Speed
16RADIO1. Select lock/unlock alarm sound in 'iDrive.'
2. Browse navigation menu and watch DVD while driving
3. Disable Daytime Running Lamps
4. Increase The FM band
17RSE1. Add Select Sound Effects Of Lock/Unlock In I-drive
2. Operate Navigation Menu And Watch DVD During Driving
3. Enable Efficient Dynamics Sports CID (Added Sport Displays The Vehicle Info Screen (Power & Torque Meters)).
4. Disable iDrive Legal Disclaimer During iDrive Startup
5. Select Sports Mode In I-drive
6. Turn On Gasoline Station Alert In Navigator
7. Allow PDC(Park Distance Control) To Indicate Park Distance
8. Disable Daytime Running Lamps
9. Convert kilometres To Miles
10. Increase The FM band
11. Disable Handbrake To Play Videos
18ULF1. Voice Recognition 2
2. Select Bluetooth Phone Ringtone
Software Overview
  • Interface = K+DCAN Cable (OBDII to USB) or ICOM
  • ECU Data Files = SP-Daten
  • NCS Expert = Coding Software
  • WinKFP = Programming (Flashing) Software
  • EDIABAS = Low-Level ECU Communication Software used by NCS Expert & WinKFP
Fxx- / Ixx- / Gxx-Series, Mini, & Rolls-Royce:
  • Interface = ENET Cable (OBDII to RJ45 Ethernet) or ICOM
  • ECU Data Files = PSdZData
  • E-Sys = Coding Software
  • E-Sys = Programming (Flashing) Software
  • ICOM A: main interface
  • ICOM B: adapter for programming multimedia in E series
  • ICOM C: adapter for old BMW with round 20 pin diagnostic plug
  • ICOM D: adapter for motorcycles
Additional Dealership Level Software

Bmw Dis V57 Software

ISTA+ (AKA Rheingold or ISTA-D)

Download Dis V57 Italiano Delite 2

  • DIAGNOSTICS for All Vehicles
  • PROGRAMMING for F/I/G/RR & MINI, but requires an ICOM
  • PROGRAMMING traditionally for all chassis, but is being phased out by August 2018, except for legacy E-series.
  • ICOM Recommended. An ICOM emulator with K+DCAN can be used, but will NOT program every ECU.
  • Replacement ECU's must be NEW

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  • Windows 7-10 Computer
  • ISTA+: 22 GB free space
  • ISTA-P: 80 GB free space
  • At least a processor with two cores and 2.2 GHz
  • At least 3 GB RAM

Download Dis V57

Attention! for Buyers.
  • Programs in the lot Non-Plug and Play.
  • You must have computer knowledge.
    If you have never reinstalled Windows, drivers, do not set up a network printer, or router... think before you buy.
  • In programs for the diagnosis, BMW will need to configure the ports and IP addresses. You should know how.
  • Potential buyers do not have computer knowledge do not buy!
    Think before you buy, Can you install complicated software.
    Inept actions you can kill electronic components in BMW.
    Before you buy, ask me ...
  • If you buy, you accept all the conditions described in the lot.
    If you don't have known how to download files, extracting or having trouble reading a simple description of the instructions, you should not decide to purchase these programs
License agreement.

Bmw Dis V57 Free Download

  • Programs are delivered by 'AS IS' No guarantees included and not provided.
  • You use this software at your own risk. The author of the program will not be responsible for any loss or corruption of data, failure of performance of other applications and systems, as well as for any loss of profit during use or misuse of this software. By default, the program works in an analytical mode and does not change the installed system (Windows). The decision to install the programs adopted by the user.
  • Installing and using the software indicates that you understand the terms of this license agreement and agree with them.
  • If for some reason you do not agree with the conditions of this license you must remove files distribution of these programs from your storage devices and cease to use the programs.
  • Training work with the program - how to diagnose and encode the car not available! You should have knowledge of automotive diagnostician or an education diagnostician!
  • Download time depends on your INTERNET speed.
  • The software is tested at BMW using a laptop (Windows 7,10 x64).
  • ISTA/P

    Programmiertool, welches die BMW Werkstätten zum Programmieren bzw. zum Updaten der Fahrzeuge nutzen. Codieren geht damit so gut wie überhaupt nicht.

  • ISTA+

    Dieses Programm heißt auch Rheingold! Diagnosetool, welches fehlergeführte Reparaturanleitungen bietet und vieles mehr.

  • INPA

    Älteres Tool um Steuergeräte direkt anzusprechen. Dieses geht nur, wenn die passenden Dateien vorhanden sind (Scripte). Kann manches mehr, vieles aber leider nicht. Gerade bei den F-Serien kommt es an seine Grenzen.

  • E-Sys

    Codiersoftware für die F-Serien. Codieren, Flashen etc. ist damit möglich. Kann fast alles außer Kaffeekochen, ist dafür aber auch ohne jegliche Sicherungsmechanismen.

  • NCS Expert

    Im Prinzip das E-Sys für die E-Serien. Anders in der Bedienung.

  • PsdzDaten

    Diese Daten braucht E-Sys, damit es überhaupt arbeiten kann. Die psdzdaten sind ein Extrakt aus den ISTA/P Daten.

  • SP-Daten

    Diese Daten braucht NCS, damit es überhaupt arbeiten kann. Auch diese stammen aus den ISTA/P Daten.

    F- und E-Serien unterschiedliche Interfaces brauchen. F-Serien benötigen ein Enet-OBD-Adapter.

    E-Serien ein K/DCan-Kabel. Will man alles machen, dann wäre ein ICOM als Interface am sinnigsten, zumal damit ISTA/P und D am besten zusammen arbeiten.