Windows Home Server 2011 Activation Keygen Idm 2017

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Acronis True Image 2018 full crack terbaru adalah software Terbaik untuk kategory Backup dan Restore sistem operasi. Software ini bisa berjalan di Atas windows dan bisa juga berjalan dalam sistem boot . Mungkin kita pernah melihat seorang teknisi komputer yang sedang menginstall Komputer secara massal misalkan lebih dari 10 buah komputer , maka untuk mempersingkat waktu mereka menggunakan metode Backup Dan restore Image. dengan metode Backup dan Restore mereka hanya menginstall dalam 1 komputer dan di isi full Aplikasi, tanpa di install Driver dulu. kemudian di Backup, dan lakukan restore di komputer lainnya. waktu untuk melakukan Restore adalah sekitar 15 Menit per satu komputer .sangat Efisien kan?

Features :

  • Simple and user-friendly interface
  • High-performance software in support and recovery
  • Ability to backup from Windows and all configurations, software and other information
  • Ability to provide supplementary and incremental backups after one time backup to save time and storage.
  • Have a Try & Dicide section to create an isolated environment for testing and testing software and suspicious and unsafe Internet sites.
  • Ability to retrieve information and system settings at a specified time
  • Automatically and permanently back up any drive or folder you want with new changes in data and configurations.
  • Importing and using versions of Windows Backup in the software
  • Possibility to create boot image for independent use of Windows
  • Supports file systems FAT16 / 32, NTFS and Raw Image
  • Supports file transfer media types (full list in required system section)

Acronis True Image Tips :

  • This version is fully installed and tested by the download.
  • Until the 2014 version, this software was presented in two versions of the Premium and Premium, but they did not differ from the version of the 2015 version.
  • The software is a major version with crack and a cracked version; the repack version does not need to crack and works without problems.
  • The boot image and plugin for this media release are also provided separately.

Required system :

  • Windows XP SP3 32-bit
  • Windows 7 SP1 (all editions)
  • Windows 8 (all editions)
  • Windows 8.1 (all editions)
  • Windows Home Server 2011
  • Windows 10 (including Anniversary Update)

File Systems

  • NTFS
  • FAT32
  • Ext2 / Ext3 / Ext4 *
  • ReiserFS *
  • Linux SWAP *
    * The Ext2 / Ext3 / Ext4, ReiserFS, and Linux SWAP file systems are only supported for disk or partition backup / recovery operations.

oke , jika kalian tertarik dengan software keren ini maka silahkan langsung download saja softwarenya melalui salah satu link berikut ini dan jangan lupa ikuti petunjuk instalasinya agar software ini dapat kalian miliki secara full version !

DOWNLOAD =>> Acronis True Image 2018 full crack

Password RAR :


  1. matikan internet
  2. extract dengan winrar
  3. buka folder hasil extract tadi
  4. didalamnya terdapat file .iso
  5. burn/mount file .iso tersebut dengan daemon tools atau poweriso
  6. install seperti biasa
  7. setelah selesai jangan buka dulu softwarenya
  8. tunggu sekitar 30 detik karena background task masih bekerja
  9. buka folder crack
  10. klik kanan pada ‘ActivationAcronisTI(H)’ pilih run as administrator
  11. pastikan ada pesan ‘activation successful!”
  12. selesai


Related posts:

Posted by3 years ago

So I needed a new ISO to reimage my machine, but when I tried to download the ISO with my activation code, it said invalid.

After talking with tech support, they said they had this super secret way to get the ISO's from their server.


After they remoted into my machine, and started the download, I realized how they did it.

(Using Chrome) If you ever need a stock windows ISO, just go to their Tech Bench website

Scroll down to the 'Select Edition' drop down, and right click. Choose 'Inspect Element'. From here, drop down the code so you can see the 'Option Value='.

Once here, replace '<option value='109'>Windows 10 </option>' with <option value='X'>Windows 10 </option>' (X being the number of the below ISO's)

Hit Continue, and select your language. Hit continue again, and it will bring you to the download page for 32x or 64x.

Windows 7 SP1

Home Basic = 2

Professional = 4

Home Premium = 6

Windows Home Server 2011 Activation Keygen Idm 2017 Full

Windows 7 SP1 COEM

Windows Home Server 2011 Activation Keygen Idm 2017 Download

Home Premium = 87

Professional = 91

There are all Windows ISO's in there, you just have to find them. It seems that the COEM versions are in the 70-90 range, and the basic versions are in the 1-30 range.

Sometimes you hit a dead range and it said activation code invalid. If so, just keep trying.

Windows Home Server 2011 Activation Keygen Idm 2017 Key

Edit: Thanks /u/MrMors_ for the updated link

Windows Home Server 2011 Activation