Compaq Presario Cq40 Os Installation Pc

This video will show you how to reset reinstall reinstallation of your Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista operating system on most of your Compaq Presario laptop and desktop computers. Tap or hold down the. Compaq PC Laptops - I got a presario cq40 330tu notbook pc I want xp sp-2 to install- question about PC Laptops. How to install xp in cq40-133tu - Compaq Presario Notebook. Unable to reinstall OS for Compaq Presario 5000. Have a Compaq Presario SR2050NX Windows XP Home. After last Windows updates in July PC began to lock up, reboot - Answered by a verified Tech Support Specialist. I have a Compaq Presario CQ40 that runs Vista. When I turn it on, I get a solid blue screen instead of my login screen. I began the installation on an old compaq presario.

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015 Hello, I am using compaq CQ40-108TU laptop. I want to downgrade my OS from VISTA to XP. I tried With Installing XP but it shows message that Local Disk (C) may be affected by virus. When i enquired I was informed that COMPAQ CQ40-108TU was designed for VISTA but i have seen people using XP in CQ40-108TU model. what should i do to downgrade my OS from VISTA to XP?015

Answers :

Xp Installation

But there is no ption of disabling SATA in bios on Compaq CQ40 lappies, so how we go about it then?
015012Here you can use a software 'nlite' and prepare a customised xp installation disc by integrating your SATA drivers (for Sata drivers search with AHCI Sata drivers in google). once the cd is ready install as you do it on desktop its so easy.

Compaq Presario Cq40 Os Installation Pc Windows 10

Prepare a Bootable XP Disc installer.
At first go to BIOS Setup to Boot First Priority the CD/DVD Rom Drive.
After that disabled SATA or RAID Configuration. The Bootable XP Disc Installer could not go on when you don't disable the SATA or RAID Connection.
Don't worry that you are thinking it would not detected the SATA HDD by Bootable Disc but it is. Then follow the instruction.
Good luck!
If i am helpful to you please rate me.
Thank you.

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